17 Reformed Baptist Churches in Kansas

ReformedWiki Post

This is a list of 17 Reformed Baptist Churches in Kansas. These churches either subscribe to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith or something similar. If a church does not fully hold to the 1689, or the website is not clear, there will be a “Note” about this. Our goal is to provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date Reformed Baptist church directory on the Internet.

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List of Reformed Baptist Churches in Kansas

Note: These churches have not been individually vetted, so it is important to exercise discernment in determining the quality of any of these churches.

17 Reformed Baptist Churches in Kansas

Calvary Baptist Church

Address: 637 Ninth St, Phillipsburg, KS 67661

Website: http://calvaryphillipsburg.com

Phone: 785-543-5402

Email: calvaryphillipsburg@gmail.com

Clearview Reformed Baptist Church

Address: 10551 Barkley, Suite 511

Website: http://info@visitclearviewchurch.org

Phone: 9135447408

Email: info@visitclearviewchurch.org

Cross Point Baptist Church

Address: 502 E Sixth Ave. Caney, KS 67337

Website: https://www.crosspointcaney.com/

Phone: 620-870-8475

Notes: Confession: 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith

Fellowship Baptist

Address: 313 E 4th St, Onaga KS 66521

Website: http://www.fbconaga.org

Phone: 785-456-3688

Notes: This church is centered around the expositional preaching of the Word, with doctrinal teaching and preaching as it is revealed in the scripture, applied to the life of the believer.

First Baptist Church

Address: 413 W Harper St, Tribune, Kansas 67879

Website: http://severegrace.com

Phone: 6203764346

Notes: Teaching Reformed Doctrine and preaching expositionally, we also affirm the Three Forms of Unity, uphold the Doctrines of Grace and consider salvation to be a monergistic, sovereign work of God. SDG

First Baptist Church

Address: 420 South Scott, St. Francis KS 67756

Website: https://saintfrancisbaptist.org

Phone: 785-332-3921

Email: fbc67756@gmail.com

Notes: We are a Southern Baptist church in the spirit and tradition of the founders of our denomination, holding to historic Southern Baptist doctrines, preaching the doctrines of grace on the high plains.

Grace Community Church

Address: 400 S. Highland Ave., Chanute, KS

Website: http://www.gracechanute.org

Notes: Confession: New Hampshire Confession

House church in Overland Park, KS

Address: Overland Park, KS

Website: https://trainingupbelievers.wordpress.com/

Phone: Bob at 816-982-0389

Email: bobgood76@gmail.com

Notes: Reformed in doctrine and practice. Looking for other believers to help set up a reformed house church and house church network.

Kansas Reformed Baptist Church

Address: 21601 W 51st Pl, Shawnee KS 66226

Website: http://Kansasreformedbaptistchurch.org

Phone: 913-488-2038

Lighthouse Baptist Church

Address: 308 Lincoln, Saint George KS 66535

Website: http://Www.lighthousesbc.org

Phone: 7854104324

Mulvane Christian Church

Address: 502 Highland Park Dr, Mulvane KS 67110

Website: http://mulvanechristian.org/

Phone: 316-777-1116

Email: pastordave@mulvanechristian.org

Notes: We are an independent Christian Church committed to the inerrancy, sufficiency, and authority of the Bible, doctrines of grace, monergistic salvation, and expository preaching. We only differ from the 1689 LBCF in that we are dispensational and premillennial in our eschatology. Pastor is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute.

New Hope Baptist Church

Address: 882 W. Hwy 36 Seneca, KS 66538

Website: http://www.sermonaudio.com/newhopeks

Phone: Curtis Knapp: 785-336-6251

Email: manyknapps@juno.com


Worship time -- 10:45 a.m.

Reformed Baptist Church of Kansas City

Address: 24450 W. 83rd St. Lenexa, Kansas 66227

Website: http://www.reformedbaptistkc.org

Phone: Martin Nish, Mike Chandler: (913) 850-0195

Email: reformedbaptistkc@hotmail.com


Meeting at the facility of
West Lenexa Seventh-day Adventist Church

Sovereign Grace Baptist Church of Topeka

Address: 321 SE Stanton Rd. · Tecumseh, KS 66542.

Website: http://sgbctopeka.org/

Phone: Mark Langley: (785) 224-5957 | (785) 233-7255

Email: marklangley@sgbctopeka.org

Sovereign Redeemer Church

Address: 500 E. 10th P.O Box 447, Hugoton, KS. 67951

Website: http://www.sovereignredeemerchurch.org/

Email: srchurch13@gmail.com

The Master's Community Church

Address: 2548 S. 42nd, Kansas City KS 66106

Website: http://themcc.org

Phone: 913-262-7207

Notes: Confession: Abstract of Principles

Exalting Christ, Equipping You Ultimately our desire as a Church is to reach the lost and strengthen the saints for God?s glory (Matthew 28:18-20, 2 Timothy 2:2). We do this through emp

Trinity Reformed Baptist Church

Address: 4307 SW 30th Terrace Topeka, KS - 66614 785- 273-3506

Website: http://www.trinityreformedbaptist.org

Phone: Robert Spagnuolo: 785-273-3506

Email: trinityreformedbaptist@cox.net