30 Reformed Baptist Churches in Indiana

ReformedWiki Post

This is a list of 30 Reformed Baptist Churches in Indiana. These churches either subscribe to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith or something similar. If a church does not fully hold to the 1689, or the website is not clear, there will be a “Note” about this. Our goal is to provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date Reformed Baptist church directory on the Internet.

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List of Reformed Baptist Churches in Indiana

Note: These churches have not been individually vetted, so it is important to exercise discernment in determining the quality of any of these churches.

30 Reformed Baptist Churches in Indiana

Berean Reformed Baptist Church

Address: 58362 Beech Rd, Osceola, IN 46561 (Meeting at Shepherd's Heart Fellowship Church Building)

Website: http://brbcmichiana.com/

Phone: 574-276-0312

Email: brbcmichiana@gmail.com

Bethel Reformed Baptist Church

Address: 4500 E 300 S Bluffton IN 46714

Website: https://bethelreformedbaptist.com/

Email: ron@bethelreformedbaptist.com

Christ Reformed Baptist Church

Address: 2630 Woodward Ave, New Castle, IN 47362

Website: http://www.crbc.faith

Phone: 317-945-2262

Email: pastor@crbc.faith

Notes: https://vimeo.com/reformedbaptistchurch

Christ's Covenant Church

Address: 2090 E. Pierceton Road Winona Lake, IN 46590

Website: http://www.christscovenant.org

Phone: (574) 267-8973

Email: office@christscovenant.org, Larry McCall: lmccall@christscovenant.org, Bob Hodorek: bhodorek@christscovenant.org, Mike Nixon: mnixon@christscovenant.org, Rod Valentine: rvalentine@christscovenant.org, Kondo Simfukwe: ksimfukwe@christscovenant.org, Tom Wallin: twallin@christscovenant.org

Cornerstone Fellowship

Address: 3665 Bell Road Newburgh, IN 47630

Website: http://www.cornerstone-fellowship.org

Phone: (812) 250-1290

Email: info@cornerstone-fellowship.org

Covenant Baptist Church

Address: 371 W. STATE HIGHWAY 46, SPENCER, IN, 47460

Website: https://www.covenantbaptistchurchspencer.org/

Notes: We subscribe to the 2nd London Baptist Confession 1689

Edgewood Baptist Church

Address: 3743 Nichol Avenue Anderson, IN 46011

Website: http://www.edgewoodbaptistchurch.net

Phone: 765 644 0994

First Baptist Church

Address: 1010 E. 126th St. Carmel, IN 46033

Website: http://www.fbccarmel.com

Phone: Joseph Flatt, Senior Pastor, Kurt Larson, Associate Pastor, Rob Schloemer, Associate Pastor: (317) 846-1343 | (317) 843-9212 /fax

Email: info@fbccarmel.com

First Baptist Church

Address: 325 E. Payton St. Greentown, IN 46936

Website: http://www.fbcgreentown.org

Phone: (765) 628-9971

First Baptist Church Delphi

Address: 103 S Indiana St, Delphi IN 46923

Website: http://fbcdelphi.com/

Phone: 765-564-3751

Email: fbcdelphi@gmail.com

Notes: We are affiliated with the Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals (FIRE).

First Baptist Church Paoli

Address: 116 SE First Street, Paoli, Indiana 47454

Website: https://firstbaptistchurchpaoli.org/

Phone: +1 (812) 723-3414

Email: @gmail.com

Notes: Sunday School: 9:30am Sunday Worship: 10:30am Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study: 6:00pm

Gospel Avenue Bible Church

Address: 1501 South 6th St., Richmond, IN 47374

Website: http://GospelABC.life

Grace Baptist Church

Address: 2626 E. Jefferson St Warsaw, IN 46506

Website: http://www.gbcwarsaw.com

Phone: 574-209-0779

Email: ahoakgbf@gmail.com

Grace Community Christian Church

Address: 401 N Walnut St, Plymouth, IN 46563

Website: http://gc3live.com/

Phone: 574-780-2094

Grace Fellowship Church

Address: 535 S. Birkey St Bremen, IN 46506

Website: http://www.gfcbremen.com

Phone: Jon Hueni: (574) 546-5311 | (574) 546-4064 (home)

Email: jasonwebb3@gmail.com

Hancock Reformed Baptist Church

Address: 944 E. Davis Rd. Greenfield, IN 46140

Website: http://www.hrbchurch.org

Phone: (317) 462-6722

Email: hrbc.grace@gmail.com, pastor.dennis@hancockreformedbaptist.com

Harvest Bible Fellowship

Address: 10010 South 50 West, Pendleton IN 46064

Website: http://hbfpendleton.com

Phone: 812-606-9619

Email: hbfpendleton@gmail.com

Light City Bible Church

Address: 477 N Wabash St, Wabash IN 46992

Website: http://www.lightcitywabash.org/

Phone: 260-275-4448

Notes: Additional info: we rent space in the building that belongs to Christ UMC.

Memorial Baptist Church

Address: 2400 N. Memorial Dr., Po Box 414

Website: http://www.mbcgo.org/

Phone: 765-529-5919

Notes: We are an elder led SBC church. Our confession of faith for all leaders is the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, and the BFM for membership. Our worship is confessional and is patterened after a his

New Hope Church (EM)

Address: 2240 E 106th St, Carmel IN 46032

Website: http://www.newhopeem.org

Phone: 7654618246

Email: newhopechurchsbcem@gmail.com

Pendleton Baptist Church

Address: 207 Old State Road 132w, Pendleton IN 46064

Website: http://www.pendletonbaptistchurch.com

Phone: 765 778-4433

Email: dkclark7@gmail.com

Notes: We adopted the London Confession(1689) in 1977 after revising our Church Constitution.

Providence Reformed Baptist Church

Address: 12550 Promise Creek Ln, Suite 112, Fishers, IN

Website: http://www.prbcindy.com

Email: rbolles@indy.rr.com

Redeemer Baptist Church

Address: 109 Moeller Rd., New Haven IN 46774

Website: http://redeemerbaptist.net

Phone: 7654912694

Notes: Confession: Abstract of Principles

Reformed Baptist Church of Auburn

Address: 1020 W Ensley, Auburn, IN 46706

Website: http://rbcauburn.org/

Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

Address: 3175 N County Road 900 East, Brownsburg IN 46112-9476

Website: http://www.sgbaptist-brownsburg.org

Phone: 317 657-6902

Notes: We are a Sovereign Grace Landmark Baptist that believes in Gods sovereign grace and the local New Testament Church. Thanks Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

Sovereign King Church

Address: 11713 Hwy 31, Sellersburg IN 47172

Website: http://www.sovereignkingchurch.com

Phone: (304) 544-3841

Syracuse Baptist Church

Address: 10013 N. Syr-Web Rd, Syracuse IN 46567

Website: https://www.syracusebaptistchurch.com/

Phone: 574-457-5846

Notes: We are a Bible-centered country Church in northern Indiana, intentionally proclaiming all of God's truth.

Trinity Baptist Church

Address: 5000 N. Morrison Road, Muncie IN 47304

Website: http://www.trinitybaptistmuncie.org

Phone: 765-286-8866

Notes: Confession: New Hampshire Confession

Trinity Baptist Church is congregation of about 100 people. We are committed to expositional preaching, sequential Bible teaching, and the 9 Marks.

Trinity Reformed Baptist Church

Address: 900 S 29th St, Terre Haute, IN 47803

Website: https://trinityrb.com/

Email: dsparks@trinityrb.com