61 Reformed Baptist Churches in Georgia

ReformedWiki Post

This is a list of 61 Reformed Baptist Churches in Georgia. These churches either subscribe to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith or something similar. If a church does not fully hold to the 1689, or the website is not clear, there will be a “Note” about this. Our goal is to provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date Reformed Baptist church directory on the Internet.

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List of Reformed Baptist Churches in Georgia

Note: These churches have not been individually vetted, so it is important to exercise discernment in determining the quality of any of these churches.

61 Reformed Baptist Churches in Georgia

Arbor Heights Baptist Church

Address: 3506 Reynolds Rd. Douglasville, Georgia 30135

Website: http://www.arborheightsbc.com

Phone: Pastor Andy Gray: 770-949-6815

Email: arborheightsbible@gmail.como

Arbor Heights Bible Church

Address: 3506 Reynolds Rd., Douglasville, GA 30135

Website: http://www.arborheightsbible.com/

Phone: 770-949-6815

Email: arborheightsbible@gmail.como

Atlanta Reformation Fellowship

Address: 4320 Cowan Road, Tucker GA 30084

Website: http://www.AtlantaReformationFellowship.com

Phone: 770-493-3623

Notes: Confession: 1646 London Baptist Confession of Faith

New Covenant Theology, Lord's Supper weekly with fellowship meal, relationships over programs, relaxed atmosphere, family integrated, complementarian, expository teaching, participatory worship.

Atlanta Reformation Fellowship

Address: Tucker, Georgia

Website: http://atlantareformationfellowship.com/

Notes: (We rent so contact us for location)

Berean Baptist Church

Address: 2356 Clay Road Austell, GA 30106

Website: http://www.bereanchurchps.org

Email: pastorslate@integrity.com

Notes: Currently meeting at: Cumberland Christian Academy, elementary school campus Beliefs: http://www.bereanchurchps.org/the-reformed-faith/

Bethany Baptist Church

Address: 1142 Harts Ford Road, Tennille, Ga. 31089

Phone: 478-232-8452

Email: brantkennedy@yahoo.com

Notes: 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. Worship at 11:00 am on Sundays. Classical hymns with some contemporary music in worship.

Calvary Baptist Church

Address: 4837 Luckey's Bridge Road, Dearing GA 30808

Website: http://cbcdearing.org

Phone: (706) 564-5573

Email: info@cbcdearing.org

Notes: Confession: New Hampshire Confession

Central Baptist Church

Address: 3006 Richmond Hill Rd, Augusta GA 30906

Website: http://centralbapchurch.wordpress.com

Phone: 706-798-0205

Email: centralbapchurch@gmail.com

Notes: Confession: New Hampshire Confession

Central Fellowship Baptist Church

Address: 8460 Hawkinsville Rd, Macon/Warner Robins GA 31216

Website: http://centralfellowship.org

Phone: 478-781-2981

Email: centralfellowship@mac.com

Christ Covenant

Address: 199 Armour Dr NE, Atlanta, GA 30305

Website: https://christcovenant.com/

Email: info@christcovenant.com

Christ Reformed Church

Address: 2209 Sunny Hill Road Lawrenceville, GA 30043

Website: http://www.christreformedchurch.org

Email: pastor@christreformedchurch.org

Cornerstone Reformed Baptist Church

Address: 345 N. Louisville St, Harlem Ga 30813

Website: https://cornerstonerbc.church/

Phone: 706-432-1859

Email: CornerstoneRbc345@gmail.com

Notes: Our church fully subscribes to the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith and we are a member church with the Southeastern Association of Confessional Baptist Churches: https://sacbaptists.org

Coweta Particular Baptist Church

Address: 178 Cecil Hunter Road, Moreland GA 30259

Website: http://www.cowetaparticularbaptist.org

Phone: 6785211039

Email: info@cowetaparticularbaptist.org

Notes: Holding to the 2nd London Confession, the Charleston Discipline of 1774, Baptist Catechism of 1742, traditional worship, and fervent evangelism.

Crabapple First Baptist Church

Address: 12760 Birmingham Hwy, Milton GA 30004

Website: http://crabapplefbc.org

Phone: 7704756111

Notes: Confession: New Hampshire Confession

Crawford Avenue Baptist Church

Address: 507 Crawford Avenue, Augusta GA 30904

Website: http://www.crawfordavenue.org

Phone: (706) 738-2527

Email: admin@crawfordavenue.org

Notes: Confession: New Hampshire Confession

We are an elder-led, Southern Baptist church. Our mission as a church is to glorify God by enjoying, displaying, and proclaiming the Gospel.

Emmanuel Baptist Church

Address: 1618 Waycross Highway Jesup GA 31545

Phone: Thomas Waters: 912-427-4322

Email: ebcjesupga@gmail.com

Faith Bible Church

Address: 4907 Hwy 34 E Sharpsburg, GA 30277

Website: http://www.faithbiblechurch.us

Phone: (770) 252-8244

Email: info@faithbiblechurch.us

Ferguson Ave Baptist Church

Address: 10050 Ferguson Ave, Savannah, GA 31406

Website: fabchurch.com

First Baptist Church Chattahoochee

Address: 1950 Bolton Road, Atlanta GA 30318

Website: http://www.fbccatl.com

Phone: 4044093278

Email: admin@fbccatl.com

First Baptist Church of Chattahoochee

Address: 1950 Bolton Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30318

Website: https://www.fbccatl.com/

Email: admin@fbccatl.com

Flint Reformed Baptist Church

Address: 1104 N. Westover Blvd., Suite 6b

Website: http://www.flintreformed.org

Email: jdelong@flintreformed.org

Notes: We are a non-denominational, elder led, Reformed Baptist church in Albany, GA committed to doctrinally robust, Christ-centered, expositional preaching.

Grace Baptist Church

Address: 375w Us Hwy 37, Lakeland GA 31635

Website: http://gracenaylor.org

Phone: 2294604907

Grace Baptist Mission

Address: 15 Cody Fowler Road Suite 300 Commerce, GA 30529

Website: https://www.gracerbc.net/

Phone: 706-410-4987

Email: info@gracerbc.net

Grace Bible Church

Address: 235 Dotson Street, Mountain City GA 30562

Website: http://www.MyGraceBibleChurch.org

Phone: 706-746-5823

Email: GBC@MyGraceBibleChurch.org

Notes: Confession: New Hampshire Confession

Grace Bible Church of North Georgia

Address: 2455 YMCA Drive, Gainesville, GA 30501

Website: http://www.gbcng.org/

Phone: 706-989-4999

Grace Church

Address: 13660 New Providence Rd, Alpharetta, GA 30004

Website: http://www.enjoygrace.com

Phone: Nathan Young: ‭(678) 880-4384‬

Email: hello@enjoygrace.com

Grace Community Church

Address: 258 Beartooth Parkway Dawsonville, GA 30534

Website: http://www.gracechurchdawsonville.org

Phone: Ray Rhodes, Jr. Pastor: 678.697.4495 | 706.216.4366

Email: info@gracechurchdawsonville.org

Grace Presbyterian Church

Address: 1940 Young Harris Hwy, Blairsville, GA 30512

Website: https://gracepcablairsville.org/

Phone: (706) 745-3653

Grace Truth Church

Address: 1 East Railroad Street, Claxton, GA 30417

Website: http://gracetruth.org

Phone: 877-789-7725

Email: info@gracetruth.org

Heritage Baptist Church

Address: 150 Lester Road Fayetteville, GA 30214

Website: http://www.heritagerbc.org

Phone: (770) 719-0662

Email: paa.heritagerbc@gmail.com

Highview Church

Address: 1100 South Vanwert Road, Villa Rica GA 30180

Website: http://www.highview.tv

Email: info@highview.tv

Notes: Confession: Abstract of Principles

Kinsey Drive Baptist Church

Address: 2626 Kinsey Drive, Dalton GA 30720

Website: http://www.kinseydrivebaptistchurch.com

Phone: 706-277-3505

Notes: Confession: 1646 London Baptist Confession of Faith

A New Covenant church that teaches and proclaims the doctrines of Grace.

Lake Chapel Primitive Baptist Church

Address: 328 Mikell Lake Road, Patterson, GA 31557

Email: lakechapel.clerk@gmail.com

Notes: Sunday Bible study (Sunday school) for children ages 2+, and adults -- 9:45 am Morning worship 11:00 am Evening worship 6:00 pm Wednesday evening Bible study for all ages 6:30 pm

New Hope Baptist Church

Address: 234 8th Street Saint Marys, GA 31558

Website: http://nhbcstmarys.org

Phone: (252) 904-9331 | (912) 882-5704

Email: nhbcpastors@gmail.com, daschunck@gmail.com

New Hope Baptist Church

Address: 234 8th Street Saint Marys, GA 31558

Website: http://www.nhbcstmarys.org/

Phone: (252) 904-9331 | (912) 882-5704

Email: nhbcpastors@gmail.com, daschunck@gmail.com

Pray's Mill Baptist Church

Address: 4979 GA-5, Douglasville, GA 30135

Providence Baptist Church (Formerly 5th Avenue Baptist Church)

Address: 17 Burnett Ferry Rd., Rome GA 30165

Website: http://www.providencerome.org

Phone: 706 291 0689

Notes: Confession: Abstract of Principles

Providence Baptist is a historical Southern Baptist Church. We are committed to the 9 marks of a healthy church. Visit our website and come worship with us. Help us take the gospel to the world!

Providence Church

Address: 2146 Buford Highway, Duluth GA 30097

Website: http://providenceduluth.org

Phone: 770-497-1309

Notes: Confession: New Hampshire Confession

Committed to expository preaching and the reformed faith.

Ramah Primitive Baptist Church

Address: 1274 Ramah Church Rd., Barnesville GA 30204

Website: http://www.ramahchurchga.com

Phone: 770-468-4921

Redeemer Baptist Church

Address: 226 Goshen Rd, Rincon GA 31326

Website: http://visitRBC.org

Phone: 912-826-4598

Notes: Redeemer Baptist Church is a family of faith that exists to worship God with joy, to love our neighbors, to see transformed lives, and to send and be sent for the spread of the gospel, through Jesus C

Redeemer Baptist Church

Address: 226 Goshen Rd. Rincon, GA 31326

Website: https://redeemerbaptistchurch.org/

Phone: (912) 826-4598

Email: contact@redeemerbaptistchurch.org

Redeemer Baptist Church

Address: 4652 Ayers Road Macon, GA 31210

Website: http://www.redeemer-baptist.org

Phone: Pastor Eric Freel: 478-745-3127 Home | 478-718-8343 Cell

Email: redeemermacon@hotmail.com, efreel@covenantacademy.net

Redeemer Baptist Church

Address: 1882 Trinity Hills Dr., Dublin GA 31021

Website: http://www.rbcdublin.com

Phone: (478) 484-1773

Notes: Confession: New Hampshire Confession

Redeemer is a Christ-centered, Kingdom-driven, Word-based congregation of baptized believers.

Redeemer Baptist Church

Address: 39 Youngstown Church Rd, Blairsville GA 30514

Website: http://www.redeemerblairsville.org

Phone: 706-897-0611

Notes: Confession: New Hampshire Confession

We exist to Proclaim the glorious Gospel of God in Christ, that our hearts might be transformed by God's power and that God would be exalted in all things.

Redeemer Baptist Church

Address: 7219 GA-87, Juliette, GA 31046

Website: https://redeemerbaptistmaconga.org/

Email: Redeemermacon@Hotmail.Com

Redeeming Grace Church

Address: 467 GA-61 Cartersville, GA 30120

Website: https://www.redeeminggracechurchga.com/

Phone: 256-374-6425 (Treasurer), 706-936-9025 (Pastor)

Email: churchredeeminggrace@gmail.com

Notes: Association: Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals Sunday Worship Service - 11:00 AM Wednesday Bible Study - 7:00 PM on WebEx

Reformation Baptist Church of Dalton

Address: 244 N. Hamilton Rd., Dalton, GA 30720

Website: http://reformationdalton.com

Phone: (706) 314-8711

Email: reformationbaptistdalton@gmail.com

Notes: Mailing address:
PO Box 6776, Dalton GA 30722

Reagan Marsh, founding pastor-teacher
Shannon McClure, elder
Chris Jones, elder
Blake Gentry, elder

Remembrance Community Church

Address: 2151 Eatonton Road, Bldg J, Madison GA 30650

Website: http://www.remembrancecc.org

Phone: 6782094695

Email: remembrancecommunity@gmail.com

Notes: We are a Reformed Baptist Fellowship in Madison, GA that practices believers’ baptism and holds to the five solas of the Reformation: Sola scriptura (“by Scripture alone”), Sola fide (“by faith al

Rockdale Community Church

Address: 2455 Old Salem Road, Conyers GA 30013

Website: http://www.rockdalecommunitychurch.org

Phone: 770-922-0107

Notes: We invite you to join us in our proclamation and defense of the truth, in our verse-by-verse teaching of God’s Word, and in the unashamed preaching of the gracious, life-giving gospel of our Lord and

Ruth Baptist Church

Address: 216 Ruth Church Road, Cochran GA 31014

Website: http://www.ruthbaptistchurchcochran.com

Phone: 478-934-3607

Email: info@ruthbaptistchurchcochran.com

SonRise Reformed Christian Church

Address: 215 Randall St Hahira, GA 31632

Website: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100079761722249&mibextid=ZbWKwL

Notes: Sunday Service at 10:30 AM

Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

Address: 1 Max Lockwood Dr, Statesboro GA 30458

Website: http://SovereignGraceStatesboro.org

Phone: (912)�601-2065

Email: sgbcstatesboro@gmail.com

Notes: Confession: New Hampshire Confession

Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

Address: 4334 High Falls Rd, Jackson, Ga 30233

Website: http://sgbcga.org/

Email: scott@sgbcga.org

Sovereign Savior Church

Address: 108 Stonebridge Blvd, Suites G & H, Bremen, GA 30110

Website: https://www.sermonaudio.com/source_detail.asp?sourceid=sovereignsavior

Phone: 678.878.0640

Email: sovereignsaviorchurch@yahoo.com

Sunset Hills Baptist Church

Address: 2079 Midway Rd., Douglasville GA 30135

Website: http://www.sunsethills.church

Phone: 770-949-0770

Notes: Confession: New Hampshire Confession

Tibet Baptist Church

Address: 8895 GA-57, Ludowici, GA 31316

Website: https://tibetbaptistchurch.weebly.com/

Phone: (912) 321-9432

Trinity Baptist Church

Address: 2141 Adams Street, Vidalia GA 30474

Website: http://tbcvidalia.org

Phone: 912-537-9652

Email: chris@tbcvidalia.org

Notes: Confession: New Hampshire Confession

Founded in 1985 on Reformed theology, Trinity seeks to glorify God through expositional preaching, intentional evangelism, God-centered worship, and committed discipleship.

Trinity Reformed Baptist Church

Address: 543 Colwell Road, Jackson, Georgia 30233

Website: http://trinityrbc.org/

Email: pastor@trinityrbc.org

Trinity Reformed Baptist Church

Address: 543 Colwell Road, Jackson GA 30233

Website: http://www.trinityrbc.org

Notes: Trinity Reformed Baptist Church seeks to be defined by the Bible alone. We desire to exalt God alone in worship, to equip the church with substantive biblical preaching and teaching, and to evangelize

Walton Community Church

Address: 110 Mears Street, Monroe GA 30655

Website: https://WaltonCommunityChurch.org

Phone: 7709220107