23 Reformed Baptist Churches in Colorado

ReformedWiki Post

This is a list of 23 Reformed Baptist Churches in Colorado. These churches either subscribe to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith or something similar. If a church does not fully hold to the 1689, or the website is not clear, there will be a “Note” about this. Our goal is to provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date Reformed Baptist church directory on the Internet.

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List of Reformed Baptist Churches in Colorado

Note: These churches have not been individually vetted, so it is important to exercise discernment in determining the quality of any of these churches.

23 Reformed Baptist Churches in Colorado

Calvary Baptist Church

Address: 907 S 3rd St, Lamar CO 81052-3415

Website: http://www.cause-of-god.com

Phone: 719-336-4780

Notes: We hold to historic Baptist faith and practice as expressed in the historic Baptist confessions. We are located in southeastern Colorado.

Christ Church

Address: 2950 South University Boulevard Denver, CO — 80210

Phone: 303.758.3674

Cornerstone Denver

Address: 1325 W. 11th Avenue, Denver CO 80204

Website: http://www.cornerstonedenver.com

Phone: 720-320-4613

Notes: Confession: 1646 London Baptist Confession of Faith

Covenant Grace Church

Address: 8570 Criterion Drive #154, Colorado Springs, CO 80920

Website: http://www.covenant-grace.org/

Phone: 719-351-3077

Email: Gracecolorado.org@gmail.com

Elm Avenue Baptist Church

Address: 1510 N. 17th St., Grand Junction CO 81501

Website: http://www.elmavenuebaptist.org

Phone: 970-243-8541

Notes: Confession: 1646 London Baptist Confession of Faith

Family-integrated worship, committed to expositional preaching and the Doctrines of Grace. Member of the Spurgeon Baptist Assoc.

Emmaus Church

Address: 1261 Delaware St, Denver, CO 80204

Website: http://www.emmausdenver.com/

Email: Aaron@emmausdenver.com

Emmaus Road Reformed Baptist Church

Address: 2340 Vickers Dr., Colorado Springs CO 80918

Website: https://www.emmausroadreformed.com/

Phone: 719-648-2379

Faithful and True Baptist Church

Address: 2964 I-70 Business Loop Unit #3, Grand Junction CO, 81504

Website: https://faithfulandtruebaptist.com/

Phone: (970) 314-2399

Grace Bible Church

Address: 301 Beaver St., Hillrose CO

Website: https://www.grace-bc.com/

Phone: 719-768-0333

Grace Church

Address: 6400 West 20th Street, Greeley CO 80634

Website: http://www.gracegreeley.org

Phone: (970) 330-1340

Email: office@gracegreeley.org

Grace Covenant Church Gunnison

Address: 101 N 8th St. Gunnison CO 81230

Website: http://www.sojourngunnison.com

Email: information@gracegunnison.com

Granby Baptist Church

Address: Granby, Colorado

Website: http://www.granbybaptistchurch.com/

Email: granbybc80446@outlook.com

Lochwood Christian Fellowship

Address: 1354 S Union Blvd, Lakewood CO 80228

Website: http://Lochwood.Church

Phone: 303-986-1784

Mountain Crest Baptist Church

Address: 1600 Harrison Avenue, Leadville CO 80461

Website: http://www.mountaincrestbaptist.org

Phone: (719)-486-1390

Email: MtnCrestBaptist@outlook.com

Notes: Mountain Crest Baptist Church subscribes fully to the Doctrines of Grace, and the Great Sola's of the Reformation

New City Church

Address: 2400 S Colorado Blvd, Denver CO 80120

Website: http://NewCityDenver.org

Phone: 303-870-0866


Providence Bible Church

Address: 1516 W Prospect Rd, Fort Collins, CO 80526

Website: http://www.providence-bible.org

Phone: 970-988-6579

Email: ronaldjay@earthlink.net

Reformed Baptist Church of Northern Colorado

Address: 7493 Old Mill Trail Boulder, CO 80301

Website: http://www.rbcnc.com

Phone: Doug Van Dorn: (303) 828-3581

Email: RBCColorado@aol.com

Reformed Heritage Church

Address: Parker, Colorado

Website: http://reformedheritagechurch.com/

Email: reformedheritagechurch.co@gmail.com

Notes: Confession: 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith

River of Grace Church

Address: 84 S. Masters Drive, Pueblo West, CO 81007

Phone: 719-647-9686

River of Grace Church

Address: 84 S. Masters Drive, Pueblo West, CO 81007

Website: https://www.riverofgracechurch.com/

Phone: 719-647-9686

Notes: River of Grace is committed to the Doctrines of Grace, the Five Solas of the Reformation, and are Subscribing Members of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals

Sojourn Church

Address: 302 W. Tomichi, Ste B

Website: https://www.sojourngunnison.com/

Phone: 9404526178

Notes: Confession: New Hampshire Confession

Sovereign Grace Community Church Of The Yampa Valley

Address: Craig, CO 81625

Website: http://sovereigngracecommunitychurchyv.com

Phone: 970-761-0589

Email: sovereigngraceyv@gmail.com

Notes: Confession: New Hampshire Confession