What Are the Problems With Atheism?

ReformedWiki Post


  • Atheism’s denial of God conflicts with the existence of objective moral values and universal truths.
  • Without a divine foundation, atheism struggles to provide a coherent basis for logical, moral, and scientific principles.
  • Arguments such as the Cosmological, Teleological, Moral, Ontological, and the Argument from Consciousness offer robust evidence for God’s existence.
  • The historical reliability of the Bible and the resurrection of Jesus Christ provide substantial counterpoints to atheistic claims.
  • Personal experiences, the transformative impact of faith, and the fine-tuning of the universe point to a theistic worldview.
  • The problem of evil, often cited by atheists, can be understood within a theistic framework as part of a larger moral and spiritual order.

Logical and Moral Foundations

Atheism’s primary challenge is its inability to account for the existence of objective moral values, universal truths, and the foundational principles of logic and science from a purely materialistic standpoint. This worldview implies that concepts such as morality, logic, and scientific laws are either subjective or emergent properties of matter, which seems contradictory. In contrast, a theistic understanding, especially a Christian one, offers a consistent and rational foundation for these concepts, positing a divine origin that inherently makes sense of these universal realities.

Arguments for God’s Existence

Cosmological Argument

This argument posits that everything with a beginning must have a cause. The universe, having a beginning, points to a cause beyond itself, which is identified as God. This counters the atheistic view of a self-originating universe, providing a rational explanation for the universe’s existence.

Teleological Argument

The Teleological Argument observes the intricate order and design in the universe, suggesting a purposeful Creator rather than random chance. This complexity is evident in the fine-tuning of physical constants necessary for life and the information-rich structures like DNA.

Moral Argument

This argument states that objective moral values and duties exist and are best explained by a moral lawgiver, God. Atheism, which often adheres to a relativistic moral view, cannot adequately justify the existence of objective morality without appealing to a higher moral authority.

Ontological Argument

This philosophical argument starts from the concept of God as the greatest conceivable being and reasons that if such a being is conceivable, it must exist in reality, as existence is a necessary attribute of the greatest conceivable being.

Argument from Consciousness

The existence of consciousness, with its immaterial aspects like thoughts and emotions, poses a significant challenge to atheistic materialism. This argument suggests that consciousness is better explained by the existence of a non-material, transcendent being — God.

Historical and Personal Evidence

Historical Reliability of the Bible

The historical narratives, particularly the Gospels’ accounts of Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, challenge atheistic views. The resurrection, as a historically substantiated event, suggests a supernatural dimension to reality.

Personal Experiences

The transformative impact of faith in individuals’ lives across diverse cultures and historical periods points to the reality of a personal, transcendent God. These experiences often involve marked changes in character, purpose, and worldview that transcend mere psychological explanations.

Addressing the Problem of Evil

The problem of evil, frequently cited by atheists, can be addressed within a theistic framework. Christian theology posits that evil is a result of human free will and the fall, and that God can bring good from evil, demonstrating His sovereignty and purpose even in suffering.


The challenges atheism faces in explaining objective morality, logical and scientific principles, consciousness, and the historical evidence of Jesus Christ, combined with the transformative power of personal faith, present a compelling case for theism. These elements suggest that belief in God is not just rationally viable but essential for a coherent understanding of reality.

Read More

  1. “Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics” by William Lane Craig – A renowned philosopher and theologian, Craig presents sophisticated arguments for the existence of God and critiques atheistic positions, offering a compelling case for Christian theism.
  2. “The God Who Is There: Finding Your Place in God’s Story” by D.A. Carson – Carson, a respected evangelical scholar, explores the narrative of the Bible and its implications for understanding God, reality, and the shortcomings of atheism, providing a thorough theological and apologetic perspective.

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